Bioinformatcs HOW-TOs
This is an outline of a series of blogs that I plan to write in 2020 that will share many tools and code snippets that I find useful in Bioinformatics.
- Alignment (hisat2)
- Get read counts (feature counts)
- Differential expression (DESeq), volcano plot, heatmaps
- PCA plot, including scatter plot of how genes contribute to PC1 and PC2
- Batch effect correction
- Projecting other people’s datasets onto your dataset (or vice versa) using PCA
- Pathway enrichment
- Call peaks
- Peak set enrichment using GREAT
- Annotate peaks to genes using ChIPpeakAnno
- Differential peaks using diffReps
- Visualization using ngs.plot
- Integration with RNA-seq data
Metabolic network analysis
- Metabolic pathway enrichment
- Visualize transcriptomics and metabolomics data together in KEGG pathway maps